Our Story
There is fact and there is fiction. There is transparency and there is obscurity. The water treatment business is funny. Many customers willingly accept the obscurity and blindly trust that their service provider is competent, honest, and well-informed. But are they? How do you know?
For Fact Water Co., this is critical. This is who we are. A team of highly knowledgeable professionals that will educate you as much or more than we will sell you. A competent and diligent service team that shows up, executes, and can be relied upon. Customers can trust that Fact will listen closely, gather all needed information, sift through it, and propose a solution that will work without overpricing and over-engineering.
Fact started in 2002 as FCT Water Treatment, Inc. It has a deep history of rebirths. The business was initially focused on wastewater treatment. It later expanded into traditional water treatment for the power industry. After that, it added a regeneration plant. By added, we mean built from scratch with blood, sweat, some tears, and late-night pizzas at the shop. Eventually, Fact expanded into equipment and consulting.
Here we are today. A well-rounded company, offering services and products in each of these categories. Our sense of adventure and relentless curiosity is to blame, really. Fact craves new problems to solve, new solutions to be had. Of course, this adventure must be balanced with the continued mastery of traditional water treatment services, which we thoroughly enjoy.
As we consider each of these rebirths, one thing is true, without a tenacious and strong-willed team, this company could have folded rather than being reborn time and time again. Fact is defined by its fiercely competitive team and its openness and love of firsts. Of learning and of adventure. Of transparency over obscurity. Of fact over fiction.

Our Team
Our Experts Are Here For Your Success

Danielle Scimeca, ESQ

Conor Parrish, CWT
Chief Growth Officer

Adam Kortan
Technical Director

Alvis Gómez
Technical Service