
The Price of Poor Treatment: Boiler Facts

Treating Boiler Water When it comes to industrial operations, boilers are the unsung heroes, tirelessly working behind the scenes. But here’s the harsh truth: neglecting proper boiler water treatment can cost your company more than you think. Let’s break down...

Jar Testing

What is Jar Testing? A jar test is a small scale, benchtop procedure designed to test different chemical treatments on raw water to determine the most effective treatment method for that specific water or facility. Jar testing can be used to identify more effective...

Chemical Inventory Management

Chemical Inventory Management with Remote Monitoring and Hands-Free Delivery Efficiency and safety are highly important when it comes to managing chemical inventories. Traditional, manual inventory checks and physical deliveries can be time-consuming, costly, and...

Water Beyond Earth

Is There Water Outside of Earth? In short: yes!Water exists in solid, liquid, and vapor forms beyond Earth, and even within our very own solar system. From the icy poles of Mars to the glaciers of Pluto, water is more abundant in our celestial neighbors than you might...

3 Common Boiler Mistakes you can Fix Today

Water Treatment is important for many industrial processes and applications, including boilers. Poorly treated water can lead to many problems and inefficiencies in the long run. Check out the three common mistakes listed below and avoid them to keep your boilers...

Understanding Legionella Management and ASHRAE 188

What Is ASHRAE 188?  ASHRAE 188 is a standard created in 2015 (and updated in 2018) which outlines the importance of a water management plan for preventing the growth and spread of Legionella, a bacteria that can lead to the potentially life-threatening Legionnaires...